
Hokohoko: Foreign Exchange Predictor Evaluation Library

Hokohoko means “to trade, barter, exchange, sell, buy, export, alternate” in Te Reo Māori. 1



Introduction & Background

Hokohoko is a benchmark designed to evaluate FOREX speculation algorithms, in order to provide researchers with a standard, domain-specific and domain-applicable benchmark that can be used to provide true comparative analysis of different predictive techniques. It is intended to solve three problems prevalent within the corpus of literature devoted to foreign exchange prediction, as identified by Bradley (2020): 2

(1) First, there is the problem of data source selection and bias. Over the years, many papers have been published on the problem of predicting foreign exchange rates, with hundreds of different predictors and variations proposed. However, for the most part, there has been no recent standard data set used in the evaluation of the predictors. Consequently, for as many papers and methods published, there have been almost as many different datasets used to benchmark them, rendering relative comparison between papers, and thus predictors, largely impossible. Due to the fluid and unpredictable nature of the foreign exchange markets, no one currency pair or time period is comparable to another. Despite this however, it is not uncommon to find researchers, sometimes even within the same paper, using different datasets to compare their predictor to previous research. Furthermore, datasets are often selected or doctored in such a way as to to produce favourable results for the researcher.

(2) Second, little attention has been paid to correctly measuring predictor performance with specific application to the foreign exchange domain. For the most part, researchers have resorted to using standard measures from the statistical or physical domains, which tend to focus on the prediction of singular values, rather than the range values produced by the foreign exchange market. Whilst the occasional researcher has attempted to shoehorn the foreign exchange range to a singular value (via average of HIGH/LOW, OPEN/CLOSE, or similar), most have simply ignored the problem. The problem with the shoe-horn approach is that it loses information.

(3) Third, there is no standard ‘previous method’ which researchers compare their results to, particularly in the application of machine learning to foreign exchange prediction. There are two main reasons for this:

I. There is a clear demarcation between foreign exchange machine learning research prior to and after 2001. This is because of the influential work of Yao & Tan (2000) 3. Prior to their work, the standard to beat was Buy-and-Hold (a correlation of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) and its corollary, the Random Walk of the markets), with nearly all research showing ANNs significantly inferior to Buy-and-Hold for foreign exchange prediction. However, Yao & Tan claimed their ANN actually beat an ARIMA predictor with perfect foresight—a predictor that had never been proven to beat B&H itself. Despite this, and claiming

‘Now that ANNs beat Buy-and-Hold … [we are justified not to test against it]’

researchers for the most part started to ignore B&H. However, they tend not just to ignore Buy-and-Hold, but most other prior published work, with no one best previous predictor used as a benchmark. This issue is severely compounded by the often vague descriptions given of algorithms, rendering comparison difficult.

II. There has been a tendency, from before Yao & Tan, but reinforced by them, to report the success of a predictor via profits made. This measure ignores its own locality, and combined with [1], renders comparative analysis of predictors impossible. Why was Yao & Tan’s paper so influential? Basically, it told researchers what they wanted to hear, and ushered in a period of busy-but-low-fidelity research into the area of foreign exchange research, with the vast majority of researchers reporting biased and generally incomparable performances for their algorithms.

Hokohoko aims to solve all three problems. First, it provides access to a large, standardised selection of real trade rates (50 currency pairs over 7 years), along with standardised parameters drawn from analysis of the foreign exchange prediction corpus. It makes use of parallelization to run multiple benchmarks and simulations across different time periods, increasing the accuracy of the reported results. Second, it provides access to a set of standard metrics, that can be used alongside a simulation to allow comparative analysis of benchmark results to actual performance. Third, it includes a set of standard predictors, allowing direct comparison of predictor performance under identical conditions. And it does all this in a cross-platform way with minimal dependencies.

Hokohoko was created and written by Neil Bradley, at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Further information can be found in the associated paper 2 for more information.

Bugs and issues can be reported here.


The base Hokohoko package can be found on PyPI, https://pypi.org/project/hokohoko/.

[TODO] Additional Predictors and Assessors can be found in the packages, https://pypi.org/project/hokohoko-assessors/ and https://pypi.org/project/hokohoko-predictors/.

Hokohoko’s source code can be found at https://github.com/nc-bradley/Hokohoko.


When invoked, Hokohoko breaks the Data up into several equal-length, overlapping Periods. Each Period consists of a Training area followed by a Test area. It then creates a Pool of processes, and continuously assigns Periods to the Pool, running the specified Predictor within its own memory space and collating the returned Account histories. Once all the Accounts have been collated, it sends them to the Assessor for processing and output.

As each Period moves through the dataset, the Predictor is sent a Bar of data for each iteration. The Predictor can then place Orders (BUY, SELL, DONT_BUY, DONT_SELL), which Hokohoko then evaluates for a predefined time (Hold). Hokohoko ensures that each Period is long enough to always fully evaluate every position taken. In addition, Hokohoko adds the appropriate DONT_BUY, DONT_SELL Positions if they are not explicitly provided by the Predictor.

Hokohoko then keeps track of Orders and Positions within the Account, and fully evaluates each every minute. Orders become Positions when their open_bid is met, with one significant exception: If the Order has a take_profit or stop_loss specified that would cause immediate closure, but is specified to open immediately (open_bid == None), the Order is cancelled. Once opened, the Order becomes a Position, which is evaluated until either its take_profit or stop_loss are fulfilled, or it is manually closed by the Predictor. If a Position would trigger both its take_profit and stop_loss in the same minute, the take_profit is selected.

Additionally, Hokohoko keeps track of the Account Balance and Equity, updating each as often as required. Importantly, Orders and Positions are only evaluated within the Test portion of the Period, however the Predictor is not made aware of when this is—so it should always make a prediction.

How to use

Hokohoko provides a simple API, similar to that provided by trading software, which researchers can use to test their algorithms in. It can be invoked either through the commandline:

# This uses the default settings, but changes predictor and gives it some options.
# See Configuration Options or try --help for more information about the options.

python3 -m hokohoko.Hokohoko -P "hokohoko.standard.DoNothing" -A "hokohoko.standard.Logger" -D "hokohoko.standard.Npz data.npz"

or imported into a pre-existing project (see the included Example.py).


The initial data file for Hokohoko contains 7 years of per-minute data for 50 currency pairs, and is thus too large to include in the distribution. It is, however, available for download here:

Sample Output

TODO: Update when OS refactor completed.

Configuration Options

Hokohoko uses a NamedTuple (hokohoko.Hokohoko.Config) to hold the configuration options for a run. It can be configured either via instantiation (such as in Example.py) or command line options (if running Hokohoko stand-alone):


    PREDICTOR   The fully qualified name of the predictor to use.
                Defaults to `hokohoko.standard.DoNothing`.

    PARAMETERS  The parameters to pass to the predictor.
                Defaults to `None`.


    ASSESSOR    The fully qualified name of the assessor to use.
                Defaults to `hokohoko.standard.Logger`.

    PARAMETERS  The parameters to pass to the assessor.
                Defaults to `None`.


    DATA_SOURCE The fully qualified name of the data source to use.
                Defaults to `hokohoko.standard.Npz`.

    PARAMETERS  The parameters to pass to the data source.
                Should be a quoted string, defaults to `data.Npz`.

-S, --subset "SUBSET"

    SUBSET      Symbol subset to use. Comma separated codes, e.g. 'AUDUSD,AUDNZD'. Symbols
                requested that do not exist in the data source are ignored.
                Defaults to `None`.


The following options are included to ease testing and debugging. They should NOT be used otherwise.

-n, --period-number PERIOD_COUNT

    PERIOD_COUNT    The number of Periods to test across.
                    Defaults to 256.

-c, --process-count PROCESS_COUNT

    PROCESS_COUNT   The number of processes to run concurrently. More processes require more
                    RAM (see Limitations).
                    Defaults to 8.

-f, --past-minutes PAST_MINUTES

    PAST_MINUTES    How many minutes in each Bar. In simulation mode, determines the period
                    for on_bar().
                    Defaults to 1440.

-t, --hold-minutes HOLD_MINUTES

    HOLD_MINUTES    How many future minutes to evaluate a Position for. Has no effect in
                    simulate mode.
                    Defaults to 1440.

--load-limit LOAD_LIMIT

    LOAD_LIMIT      Limits the number of minutes to load from the data source.
                    Defaults to `None`.

--training-minutes TRAINING_MINUTES

    TRAINING_MINUTES    Override the default training area length (the period of data provided
                        to predictors where any returned Positions are ignored for benchmarking
                        or simulation.
                        Defaults to 10080 * 26 * 3, approximately 18 months.

--test-minutes TEST_MINUTES

    TEST_MINUTES    Override the default test area length (the period where Positions from the
                    predictor are evaluated.
                    Defaults to 10080 * 26, approximately 6 months.

                    Enables profiling output. (files will be called 'profile_[period_id]'), in
                    the current directory.
                    Defaults to False.

                    Defines a level of debug output.
                    Defaults to 0.


  • Hokohoko has significant RAM requirements. The default settings need approximately 1GB per concurrent process, plus 1.6GB during file load. Default settings of 8 concurrent processes therefore requires about 9.6GB of RAM, not including the RAM required by each predictor. RAM usage is reduced for subsets.

  • Hokohoko has been successfully tested using Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 on Windows 10, Debian and Ubuntu.

  • The base hokohoko package requires numpy only. The additional packages hokohoko-assessors and hokohoko-predictors may have additional requirements, such as scipy.

  • Hokohoko is intended to be cross-platform. It therefore configures Python to use ‘spawn’ for each period benchmarked/simulated.

  • Simulate is indicative, not authoritative, as to relative performance.

  • Due to the nature of the foreign exchange markets, long term predictions are usually based on fundamental rather than technical analysis. As Hokohoko is intended to be used on the latter, it may be that it is unsuitable for use with fundamentalist strategies (such as Cootner, Bollinger etc.) which intend to hold long-term positions. Such strategies will often score poorly in Hokohoko, and their score has little to no correlation with their long-term profitability.

API Reference


Copyright (C) 2020  Neil Bradley

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.



Each Period includes an Account, linked to the Predictor, which allows access to the Order and Position lists. The Order predictions and their outcomes are also stored in the Account.


The benchmark method introduced by Hokohoko.


The class that is used to assess the outcomes. Hokohoko ships with logs the Order histories for external analysis only. The base Assessor class is provided to allow custom assessors to be created, and the package hokohoko_assessors contains a selection of additional Assessors.


The balance of currency available in the Account. Hokohoko does not keep track of margins, so all Accounts start at 0.0, and there are no restrictions on trade volumes. Balance is only changed by closing Positions, either through take_profit or stop_loss, manually or at the end of a Bar [TODO: Reword this!].


A Bar is a single period of data, similar to that provided by trading software. See the API for further information.


A trading strategy where a Position is bought and held for a pre-determined length of time, with the acceptance that the result of the outcome will be largely random.


The source of data. Hokohoko provides access to a 2.6GB file, data.Npz which contains 7 years of currency data for 50 currency pairs. The data includes real UTC timestamps so that external data sources may be referenced by the Predictor.


The direction of a trade. Hokohoko accepts BUY, SELL, DONT_BUY and DONT_SELL.


The included Predictor, which makes no predictions, thereby ensuring Hokohoko always generates dont_buy and dont_sell Orders.

Efficient Market Hypothesis

Outlined in detail by Fama (1965), 4 5 the EMH proposes that for a large enough market, there will be a buyer for every seller, the buyers are highly intelligent and react to and disseminate new information rapidly, and thus, all relevant information is already represented in the current price. Therefore, past information in old prices has no bearing on future prices, and the past is not an indication of the future.


The real value of the Account, if all open Positions were to be closed instantaneously.

Hold Minutes

The length of time for which an Order will be assessed in Benchmark mode.


The open price for a currency.


A request to open a trade. See the API for further information.


An individual benchmark/simulation unit. Hokohoko’s default data file provides enough data to run 11 Periods before they before overlapping. Periods are intended to be self-contained—whilst Predictors may access external data, they should not share anything out, or risk invalidating the results.


Hokohoko uses multiple processes to a) get around Python’s GIL, and b) make it harder for Predictors to share information. The Pool size determines the number of Periods that may be processed simultaneously, at increased RAM cost.


An Order that has activated. See the API for further information.


Predictor is the main API for a predictive algorithm to concern itself with. It needs to be inherited as a base for custom prediction algorithms, and provides access to the Period’s Account, methods to place and close Orders, and a deterministic RNG (via self).

Random Walk

In the event of an efficient market, it is theorised (and for the most part observed) that the behaviour of asset prices in the market follow a random walk—that is that there is no correlation between past and future behaviour.


A specific value at which a Position will close, accepting a loss.


The name of a currency pair, e.g. AUDUSD. The first part indicates the base currency, and the second the target currency. This distinction is irrelevant for the Accuracy benchmark, but is very import when simulating.


A specific, profitable value at which a Position will close.


The period following Training, where like Training, data is passed in the Predictor, but Orders will be actioned or assessed (depending on the mode). The result histories are collected during this time.


The initial period of time for which a Period runs, during which data is passed to the Predictor as normal, but Orders are ignored, and no results are collected.



The name was determined in conjunction with Associate Professor Te Taka Keegan, Associate Dean Māori of Wananga Putaiao, Te Wananga o Waikato (Division of Health, Engineering, Computing and Science, University of Waikato).


Bradley, N. C. (2020). Hokohoko: A Comprehensive Framework for Evaluating Artificial Intelligence-based and Statistical Techniques for Foreign Exchange Speculation (Thesis, Master of Science (Research) (MSc(Research))). The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/13752.


Yao, J. & Tan, C.L. “A Case Study on Using Neural Networks to Perform Technical Forecasting of Forex” Neurocomputing 34 (2000) 79-98.


Fama, E. (1965a). “Random Walks in Stock Market Prices”, Financial Analysts Journal, 21(5), 55-59.


Fama, E. (1965b). “The Behaviour of Stock Market Prices”, The Journal of Business, 38, 34-105.